Angel Allwood and Andrea Opavsk
Angel Allwood was born in Los Angeles in the United States on 22 November 1979. In 2023, Angel Allwood's age is 43 years. More information on Angel Allwood can be found below. Andrea Opavska has been one of the top name in contemporary dance over the last year. Andrea Opavska was the leading figure with Lenka Vagnerova & Company. Her name has been mentioned for a Thalia for her role in Gossip. Additionally she was awarded an award in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. While a long-running career can be very rewarding, it also brings with it the gradual transition to another life path. I realized that there was an increasing gap between myself and other dancers. Opavska discusses the work she does as part of the company. "I began to wonder what the difference between me and my newly formed dancers was something the audience could tolerate," says Opavska. She also had an endoprosthesis on her hip, which produced an identical effect. Foundation for a Dance Career explores the possibility of having a second career in dance. Andrea and i, on the other hand focused more on the challenges of transitioning into a new chapter in life. Life stages are constantly evolving and offer new possibilities. She has completed her studies in dance pedagogy and pedagogy HAMU and dance science as well as pedagogy at the UP Faculty of Arts, Olomouc. She attended the prestigious international dance festival Edinburgh Festival Fringe (2017) Singapore Fringe Festival (2016) Tanzmesse Dusseldorf (2014) Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014 APAP New York (2014 2013, Aerowaves Zurich (2013) Recklinghausen Festival Fringe Study internships in 2013 at Hellerau-Dresden. Under Rasmus Olme's direction (2013) and in the Belgian company Ultima Vez (2009).
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